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 =  Many thanks to you, Mihaela!
Luminita Suse
[24.Nov.04 04:24]
Hi, Mihaela! Today I translated my poem in English and noticed that you have done the same, some time ago, in September. Thank you very much for your kindness!
In many respects I like your translation better.
I hope you won't mind me pointing out that in verse #7 "meat" should be "flesh". And a "belt of safety" is intended to be "secure" anyway. It is known as a "safety belt". I like the way you translated the verses "unclothed beings parading victorious on the pavement", "from the sticking edges of thoughts", "in this car is an empty place for retouched caresses/ tears of forgiving are running the Olympic marathon/ for hiding into no destination" and many others. Thank you, again!

 =  with great pleasure
Mihaela Maxim
[24.Nov.04 19:28]
it's a very nice poem of yours, I think it deserves many translation, not only in enlish.
soon I'll do the corrections, thank you for telling me your opinion,


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