Comentariile membrilor:

 =  daniel:)
Irina Iacovescu
[01.May.04 21:19]
I have a question to ask you!
You say "the last bit of paradise living me" - is it living from to live, or leaving - from to leave?! I couldn't tell, so I'm asking you... In the romanian version I was talking about death, not about life:)

 =  Irina :)
Daniel Dinescu
[01.May.04 21:53]
I have a 'piece of heaven', not a 'bit of paradise', sweetheart, but, yes, is "leaving", thank you! :)
Best wishes,

 =  a couple of corrections
kurt cnejevici
[09.May.04 21:30]
please correct the following:

first verse: “What did you left”, should be: “what did you leave “
Also, second verse: should be “ read” not “ red”
thank you.

 =  Kurt
Daniel Dinescu
[10.May.04 17:12]
You could have also an opinion about my text, Kurt, but anyway, thank you for watching!

 =  follow-up opinion
kurt cnejevici
[11.May.04 01:34]
Here is my opinion about the text: the translation follows pretty closely the original poem from a content point of view. However, I think the flow of verses which can be felt in the Romanian version is altered by some of the words or phrasing you have chosen. For example: “the pats and your steps”, “burnt and dry soul”, “crucified loneliness”, “Today I need to be quiet”. In my opinion, that whole section should be changed to be more “fluid” if you wish.

 =  Like it!
Georgiana Vasiliu
[01.Oct.04 17:20]
I disagree a little with what Kurt said. I think the fact that the poem is so blunt is what gives it uniqueness. I even like the grammar mistakes somehow they belong.

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