Comentariile membrilor:

+ poll
felix nicolau
[07.May.07 12:51]
hope not to offend you, but i like a lor more the way you write in english.i mean simpler, clearer, bolder

 =  Felix
Adela Setti
[07.May.07 13:02]
there is no offence :) (I like it more, myself!)
thank you

 =  Adela
Georgiana Vasiliu
[09.May.07 07:28]

How enchantingly sweet your words come together. It almost sounds like a song. Short and slippery. I especially liked the last image... Just the thought of a ghost makes me look at this eyes wide open awaiting some kind of a prelude. Very subtle work.

 =  Georgiana
Adela Setti
[21.May.07 14:37]
I'm glad you liked it :)

 =  ***
Balc Oana Nicoleta
[07.Sep.07 19:58]
it's touching... i like it.

keep writting and good luck

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