Comentariile membrilor:

 =  relics
felix nicolau
[14.Dec.06 01:29]
spiritual message embodied in elementary forms of lives as a protest against the shakespearian all-corroding time

 =  Felix
Adela Setti
[14.Dec.06 21:44]
You gave such an exquisite meaning to my text!
Thank you.

 =  Now=Just a Sec
John Willy Kopperud
[17.Jan.07 15:02]
I appreciated the semi-real feeling that shines through tje
poem, and the metaphors too - the relic of a leaf...

Also, thank you very much for translating my poem "At all times unknown" into Romanian. It's too bad that I can't read your language!

Greetings from Willy

 =  greetings from Adela
Adela Setti
[17.Jan.07 19:27]
John, thank you for passing by.
I really loved your text, that I tried to translate as good as I could. the Romanian folks liked it very much.

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Înapoi !