Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Who was?
heghedus camelia
[02.Nov.07 10:46]
I suppose I know: somebody who’s always hidden. Thank you!

+ translation - Cami
Edilberto González Trejos
[03.Nov.07 20:49]
Would you mind if I translate this into Spanish, Cami?


 =  Songo,
heghedus camelia
[04.Nov.07 08:15]
Would you mind if I beg you to do this hard work for me? Thank you for your double shining sign!

 =  was it?
Radu Herinean
[06.Nov.07 12:42]
so, was the text translated into Spanish?
there should have been a link here if the translation was linked to this article, but probably you submited without linking to the original text. i will look it up.

 =  I knew I
heghedus camelia
[06.Nov.07 13:03]
Radu, I admire you for the effort of managing this site, and I’m also thankful for your good thought, beautiful intention and nice sign. emoticon.

 =  Radu - translation
Edilberto González Trejos
[06.Nov.07 15:39]
Good day Radu,

The text has not yet been translated. I just asked Cami for her permission on Nov. 3, and she replied me back granting me the authorization on Nov. 4. The translation work is in progress and I will send it to her before posting it at agonia - of course through the translations link -

Truly yours,


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Înapoi !