Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Good poem
Alina Maria Ivan
[30.Jan.13 11:50]
I like this image... i can guess in your voice a cat...

 =  One of-
John Willy Kopperud
[31.Jan.13 13:05]
the better "follow-up's."!
Cheers from Willy

 =  To Alina and Willy
Sârb Olimpia
[01.Feb.13 16:30]
Delighted to have been noticed!The less we expect the more we get. Though full of sensitiveness, this world of poetry is very silent when it comes to sharing opinions. A shiny THANK YOU.

 =  by all means, yes!
Romulus Campan
[01.Feb.13 23:46]
You have no idea how much I do agree with you:-)

I am therefore warmly inviting you to share as many of your thoughts as these pages could bear!
I promise to closely follow!


 =  Thank you, once more
Sârb Olimpia
[05.Feb.13 09:40]
Every time you give me a chance that I do not entirely deserve. I am a good observer, but not a good commentator. I suffer from a certain innocence of thought and feelings; that makes me not reach a maximum in originality. I will make an attempt for a while. Thank you, once more.

 =  innocence still wanted:-)
Romulus Campan
[05.Feb.13 11:47]
Dear Olimpia,

I can entirely sympathise with your thoughts...
I suffer of the same, this being the reason for sometimes.being told that I exaggerate when allowing my poor heart to speak, sometimes too loud:-)
Nevertheless, take courage you are not alone:-)


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