Comentariile membrilor:

 =  no
laurentiu ion
[19.Aug.09 03:43]
it's too ponderous

 =  :D
Andrei - Tiberiu Mãjeri
[19.Aug.09 15:21]
yes laurentiu, I know! I wanted it to be! it's hermetic!

 =  ?
laurentiu ion
[19.Aug.09 15:59]
i would like to know why hermetic, i think you should have a strong enough reason to permanently "close" your text

 =  Grammar/Syntax
John Willy Kopperud
[19.Aug.09 16:17]
1: this wretch life - must be wretched.
2: Leave myself fall - I guess let myself fall is closer to proper English.
I've noticed that mistakes like these are not unusual in "follow-ups" on Agonia.

Please correct these errors!
Cheers from Willy

 =  !
Corina Gina Papouis
[01.Sep.09 23:48]
fleshy convoy - as is used as an adjective here!

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De asemenea, nu poţi comenta din pagina care include comentariile off-topic.

Înapoi !