Comentariile membrilor:

 =  not today
Mihaela Roxana Boboc
[17.Aug.09 19:18]
The world is a chewing gum
Spat occasionally by a god

These are amazing lyrics, creating such a strong impression and the feeling of being manipulated and controled by gods like dolls dancing on a stage pulled by the wires .

You just don't expect the final lyrics, they take you by surprise and it's a positive thing this sense's switch of the poetry.

 =  :D
Andrei - Tiberiu Mãjeri
[17.Aug.09 19:55]
thank you mihaela for you kind words!
i hope you will remain a faithfull reader

yours sincerely,

 =  :)
Corina Gina Papouis
[17.Aug.09 22:54]
I enjoyed its natural flow and the way it flirts with the reader, especially that last warning!:)

 =  corina!
Andrei - Tiberiu Mãjeri
[18.Aug.09 14:54]
thank you very much Corina Gina Papouis!
i'm glad to know it had an impact on you!


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