Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Exellent
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[13.May.05 07:38]
Perception in future supresses the knowledge of analyzing every situation.
A great poem from you, I really liked it, definetely one of the best I have read recently.

Hope to read more of your works :)

 =  Delving and showing
Edilberto González Trejos
[17.May.05 02:32]
You have an undeniable talent to delve into the inner layers and take so much out, for us to see... That we had not seen yet...
Loved this text!

 =  good work
raj thampi
[08.Sep.05 10:03]
A poem which walks definitely without the support of walkers.Did I read love somewhere? :)
Indeed a great work. Cheers

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